Monday, May 11, 2009

the technology revolution that changed a country...

Because India skipped the land-line revolution, cellphones were the first real contact with the outside world for hundreds of millions of people. India now adds more cellphone connections than anyplace else, with 15.6 million in March alone. The cost of calling is among the lowest in the world. And the device plays a larger-than-life role here — more than in the wealthy countries where it was invented.

India’s nearly 400 million cellphone users still account for only a third of the population. But the technology has seeped down the social tiers, into slums and small towns and villages. While the average bill, of less than $5 per month, represents 7 percent of the average Indian’s income, enough Indians apparently consider the sacrifice worth it: if present trends continue, in five years every Indian will have a cellphone.

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