Sunday, March 15, 2009

peepoo- yes it's true...

The sanitation crises in third world countries was in need of a solution. According to co-designer of the peepoo bag, Peter Thuvander,

"approximately 2.6 billion people lack sanitation. (in developing countries) The consequences of this are horrific. One child in the world dies every 15 seconds due to contaminated water."

The overall concept of this bag is to break down urine and feces so that overtime they can be used as manure. The product was tested on a large-scale and has already produced positive results in Kibera and Kenya. Also because large companies such as BASF, national development agencies, and The UNSG's Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation are promoting the product- funding and pricing aspects have been falling into place.

Billions of people just got their own toilet... congrats.

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