Tuesday, March 3, 2009

exhibit A, a youtube video?

The Supreme Court has officially entered into the world of Youtube! A petition filed to the court last month was to a Youtube video showing an arrest where the victim is claiming is police brutality.

Because the judge has the opportunity to view the video for himself, he/she may be less inclined to defer to factual findings or jurors for a conclusion. (According to The Harvard Law Review)

The man in the video being arrested was sobbing on the ground behind his car and refused to get up for the officer.  Once the officer repeatedly asked him to get up he refused and when threatened to be tased the man said "I don't care, tase me."

After being tased the man still refused to get up and the officer called for backup.  Again trying to stand the man up, he refused and was tased again.

Police brutality or resisting arrest? You be the judge.

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