Tuesday, February 17, 2009

graduating college debt-free, cheers to that!

Maybe I'm biased, being a college student and all, but I don't think they're are any other candidates that deserve some financial relief more than COLLEGE STUDENTS.  Bruce Nussbaum just wrote a blog that I could not agree more with.

Not only is it annoying that the class of 2009 has to enter the work force in the current state of the economy, but if we are lucky enough to find jobs- most of that money will go right to paying off student loans. And if anyone is like me- they want to pay off the loans ASAP so overtime I don't have to pay more interest and more money.

It would be nice to save the small salaries that we will hopefully will be making to keep our heads above water and not continue to depend on the baby boomers (our parents) who we have almost already sucked dry.

Going to a private university has opened my eyes to how absolutely outrageous college tuition has become- and yes, I've been feeling guilty about it the entire time.  Almost four years ago when I enrolled, tuition was $10,000 less than it is now!  Of course, I'll still argue that I don't know where the tens of thousands of dollars my family, and soon myself, have paid has gone. But enough about my situation...

I really believe that maybe some of the billions being spent on wall street bonuses, and other outrageous government purchases, would be greatly appreciated by students.  It shouldn't be this much of a burden to further your education, god bless those going on to grad and law school!

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